
Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Iraq War: Bush shows leadership by being scared to put a price tag on the war in an election war 

I guess Der Furor (back, heh) doesn't want to stir people up. Or maybe he doesn't give two shits about Congress's constitionally mandated powers of the purse. Hey, whatever!

On Capitol Hill, two leading lawmakers urged the Bush administration to present Congress with projected price tag of Iraq operations next year, a politically delicate step the White House has said it does not intend to take in an election year.

"They haven't asked for one single penny for next year for Afghanistan and Iraq," said Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware, the ranking Democrat on the Foreign Relations Committee. "Give me a break. Give me a break!"

Sen. Chuck Hagel, R-Neb., said he smelled election-year politics.

"The administration would be well served here to come forward now, be honest about this, because the continuity and the confidence in this policy is going to be required to sustain it," Hagel said. "And that means be honest with the Congress, be honest with the American people.

"Every ground squirrel in this country knows that it's going to be $50 billion to $75 billion in additional money required to sustain us in Iraq for this year."
(via AP)


Well, maybe the administration isn't made up of ground squirrels, Chuck. Let's be reasonable!

Maybe they're flying squirrels. But in that case, which one is Rocky? And which one is Bulwinkle? Natasha? Boris Badenov?

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