
Friday, April 23, 2004

The Goon Squad nailed in California 

A small triumph for justice

The campaign manager and fund-raising committee for a California Republican have agreed to pay $84,000 in civil penalties for sending out letters pretending to be Democrats during a 1998 congressional campaign, the Federal Election Commission said.
(via AP)

This is, of course, just business as usual for our party of "the rule of law." How simple it seemed in the days when we were impeaching a President for a consensual blow job, instead of for lying his way into a war and misappropriating $700 million.... We are impeaching him, right? Oh, wait...

Anyhow, to the point at hand:

Republicans masquerading as Democrats, freepers staging bourgeois riots online (back), the theft of Kerry's files, theft of Democratic files in AZ, paramilitaries hired for the RNC convention...,

Gosh, the list is quite a long one already, isn't it?

So, I'm using the term "The Goon Squad" for the operatives in the ultra-Nixonian dirty tricks program that Bush is obviously running, and that doubtless our feckless SCLM will discover, conveniently, after the election.

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