
Monday, April 12, 2004

Bush's eyes 

I don't have a TV, so every so often I ask my Mom what was on the news, and today she said that Bush's eyes looked "strange." Not just that his eyes looked "nervous" but there was "something behind them." Then she had to think, and said what was behind Bush's eyes was "disbelief, as if he couldn't believe what was happening to him."

OK, I'm fine with that.

And I think I know what Bush can't believe is happening to him: It's the Plame Affair, and the prospect of having to get a lawyer. Joe Wilson's book is coming out this month, and Wilson has said he's going to name the leaker. (Cf. Atrios here.)

NOTE OK, I admit it. This is in the print version of Vanity Fair. I broke down and bought it. I feel... so used.... Maybe that's just the perfume inserts, though. It sure isn't the table of contents—that isn't usable at all. [rimshot. Laughter. [material recycled from Leah. [Put it in a box, it'll never get their in brackets. [OK, it's late...]]]]

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