
Sunday, April 11, 2004

Bush sees Iraq war as a religious war 

That's what Bush dynasty members say, anyhow. And they release this news on Easter, yet. Disgusting!

Ask Bush family members and friends about the intersection between the war on terrorism and George W. Bush's Christian faith and you get some strong answers.

"George sees this as a religious war", one family member told us. "He doesn't have a PC view of this war. His view is that they are trying to kill the Christians. And we the Christians will strike back with more force and more ferocity than they will ever know.
(via LA Times)

Feel safer now?

The insurgents see the war as a jihaad.

Bush sees it as a crusade.

Mirrror images, anyone? And when you place two mirrors opposite each other, what happens? The reflections go on forever. Just like Bush's (very profitable) war will.

What we need is a not a war on terror but a Campaign Against Fundamentalism—at home and abroad. Of course, the wingers at the Hoover Iinstitute who shared this noxious little tidbit with us think that "Even those who don't share Bush's religious convictions should see them as a good thing. His faith compels him to wrestle with ethical questions that less religious men might simply ignore." Oh, I have to stop typing now, my head is exploding.

UPDATE As alert reader Rook reminds me: FTF.

UPDATE A-and another thing: America's most vicious and vincdictive political dynasty is in charge of a blood feud in the Middle East? In what part of their base feels is the End Times? The mind reels....

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