
Monday, April 05, 2004

Bush mini press conference: YABL, YABL, YABL 

From Dear Misleader:

"What is important for them to hear is not only that, but that when I realized that the stakes had changed, this country immediately went on war footing and we went to war against al-Qaida," the president said.

"It took me very little time to make up my mind, once I determined al-Qaida did do it, to say, 'We're going to go get them,' and we have," Bush said.
(via AP)

Well, the only problem with Bush's statement is that only nine days after 9/11, Bush had already decided to sidetrack our entire military into Iraq, which had nothing to do with AQ or 9/11 at all. See here:

President George Bush first asked Tony Blair to support the removal of Saddam Hussein from power at a private White House dinner nine days after the terror attacks of 11 September, 2001.

I just wish they'd stop lying. We all know they had the agenda to remove Saddam from Day One and 9/11 supplied a good excuse for it. Why not just 'fess up?

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