
Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Bush Iraq clusterfuck: The rule of law 

I love this quote from Bremer:

"We will suppress these minor-sized militia, which are illegal."
(via The Times)

So, now these clowns want the rule of law. The only problem is that we need to use our army to get the job done. If these clowns really wanted the rule of law in Iraq, they would have arranged for the effort to be truly international (i.e., not the Coalition of the Billing), wouldn't have allowed Iraq to degenerate into chaos after the invasion (Bush thought it would be a "cakewalk," remember?), and would have visibly and powerfully upheld the rule of law from the beginning.

One really obvious way to uphold the rule of law would have been to try Saddam's sons, instead of killing them. Since we are now trying Saddam, apparently we learned from that mistake—but these guys, given the situation they've gotten us all into, shouldn't make the same mistake once.

Oh, and I like "minor militias," too. Minor enough to cancel the troop rotations, apparently.

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