
Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Bush, feeling tense, snaps towel at everyone in sight 

And no wonder, since he's a "hypertense, death-dealing fiasco" (back here)

Anyhow, he's on a campaign trip to Arkanas. First, Bush insults a guest:

"You and my mother go to the same hair-dye person," Bush said to Briery, whose blondish bob bore little resemblance to Barbara Bush's shock of white hair.

The audience in the gymnasium laughed, and Briery smiled, but replied firmly: "President Bush, I'm a natural blonde."

"Oh, yes," Bush agreed.

"I'm just a natural blonde," she repeated.

"I couldn't help myself, sorry," Bush shrugged.

Uh uh. When you snap the towel twice, it's on purpose.

Then, Bush insults his host!

He turned to Bob Watson, superintendent of the El Dorado Public Schools - who had opened the meeting by inadvertently insulting Bush.

"Governor - excuse me, President," Watson said.

Bush muttered, "How quickly they forget."

When Watson offered to shake Bush's hand, the president shot back: "Just don't hug me."
(via AP)

What a... likeable guy. Bush seems nice until things don't go his way. No wonder his handlers won't let him in front of the 9/11 commission alone.

Also, there's no byline on the AP story. Wonder if AP is shielding their reporter from retaliation by The Goon Squad?

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