
Tuesday, April 27, 2004

AWOL Bush: Memo to Kerry: Two magic numbers 

Now that Kerry's "not going to stand for it" (finally!), here are two numbers he might find helpful:

214—as in DD214, the form (not released in the "complete" release of Bush's service records) which would show why Bush was honorably discharged,

10,000—as in $10,000, the still unclaimed reward for anyone who will step forward and bear witness that Bush did serve during his missing dates.

See back. And for how your media butchered this story, in the process giving Bush a free pass, read the Howler. (Sure wish Okrent would.)

Maybe if Kerry cuts the piece of shrapnel out of his own leg with no anesthetic on TV the Republicans will let up on his military record. Sheesh. What a bunch of shameless buffoons!

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