
Tuesday, March 23, 2004

You wanna know how bad it is? 

Boy, you can smell the sweat now, can't you?

These guys have been trying to avoid getting caught lying about 9/11 and now they've had it all come unraveled -- at the most inopportune time I might add.

The illogical ferocity of their response tells you that they are, if you'll excuse the language, shitting their pants.[1] Or, as Josh Marshall puts it, W's sycophants, like a pitiful medieval army, lack "organization or discipline."

For goodness sakes folks, the Vice President of the United States screwed the pooch today. Cheney claimed that Clarke, the chief of counterterrorism, was "out of the loop" on the administration's counterterrorism policy. The potential story lines Cheney's statement provides for the administration are not good. Either W and the boys were incompetent and left the counterterrorism czar "out of the loop" or Clarke was a voice howling in the wilderness in an administration that was more worried about the horrible dangers of brothels in New Orleans than terrorism. Either choice is not good for the administration.

Of course, whether the public, which often suffers from attention deficit disorder in the spring, is paying attention yet is a rather important question. If they are, W's goose is probably cooked. If they're taking a Spring Break, like they did during the run-up to last year's fool's errand of a war in Iraq during which they swallowed unsubstantiated statement after unsubstantiated statement from W, Dick, and Colin like it was an order of jumbo Potato Oles from Taco John's, then maybe this whole thing won't have the desired effect at all.

How long is it going to take before people start realizing that these guys have screwed up EVERYTHING they've touched and that they lie about EVERYTHING?

I just don't know folks.

[1]Here at Corrente we tackle the hard job of finding the right words for the job—even if the job is an ugly, ugly one. One term of art for when your sphincters go AWOL is omorashi.

George Bush omorashi!

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