
Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Yes, I'm starting to warm up to Kerry 

A little more picador work from JFK:

"It must be getting lonely for George Bush. It seems he's the last person in America who actually believes his failed policies will ever work," Kerry told the umbrella group of more than 60 unions representing 13 million workers. He spoke by satellite from a factory in Chicago to the meeting in Bal Harbour, Florida.

"Everywhere I've been in this campaign, I've met working Americans who are getting the short end of the stick. Jobs on the run. Wages and salaries dead in the water."

Since Bush took office, Kerry said the country had shed almost three million jobs, families had been taxed more through higher college tuition, higher health costs and higher prices for gasoline and also were paying more in state, local and property taxes.

$5 into your front pocket, $10 out of the back pocket.

He called the president too "stubborn" to admit his policies weren't working and said Bush's economic prescription "begins and ends with tax giveaways."

"When you're ...in the hole, step number one is pretty simple: stop digging."
(via Reuters)

Not bad. "Stubborn," though... That's a little mild. Entirely too polite. I'd say "pig-headed," except that's unfair to the pigs. How about "stiff-necked"? Readers?

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