
Thursday, March 11, 2004

Why apologize for saying the Emperor has no clothes? 

Why apologize for telling the simple truth?

Yes, I'm starting to warm up to Kerry.

Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry today rejected demands that he apologize for calling his critics in the Republican Party "the most crooked, you know, lying group I've ever seen."

"I have no intention whatsoever of apologizing for my remarks," Kerry said during a news conference on the Senate side of the Capitol. "I think the Republicans need to start talking about the real issues before the country."

"There is a Republican attack squad that specializes in trying to destroy people and be negative," he said. "I haven't said anything that's incorrect about them. They've said a lot of things that are incorrect."
(via AP)

Maybe we could get an apology from Bush for stealing an election and lying his way into a war. Yeah, right.

OTOH, I'd like to see a lot more of Kerry improvising in front of town meetings. He did that well on his Southern swing. Exactly the kind of thing Bush can't do in his scripted, earpiece-driven, one-way, so-called "conversations."

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