
Thursday, March 11, 2004

The Wecovery: Jobs numbers go according to Bush plan 

"When people are out of work, unemployment results." -- Calvin Coolidge.

But they called Calvin Coolidge "Silent Cal," and so people didn't have to wade through all the muck and sludge that Bush throws out. Oh, for a little quiet time with these guys.

Anyhow, here's some detail on the latest economic figures (source from the ever-essential Atrios).

A sixth month of payroll gains after a seven month string of declines as the improvement is extraordinarily modest but consistent with stronger underlying economic demand and the offsetting strength of labor productivity. Employment trends lag the overall economy as final demand (in excess of labor productivity) feeds in to labor demand. Employers are squeezing as much production as possible out of existing employees. The unemployment rate has turned sharply lower from a 6.4% June peak as the return of discouraged job hunters to the labor force hasn't yet hit the figures Hourly earnings unexpectedly ...

Uh, what was unexpected about it? See Why Bush wants jobs flatlined, back here.

... turned sharply lower as labor demand and productivity strengthened. The length of the workweek hasn't shown a sustained rise as labor demand remains weak.
(via Here.)

I wish Bush himself were as "extraordinarily modest" as his performance on the economy.

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