Tuesday, March 16, 2004
WaPo: Bush AWOL story not done
Let's roll the tape:
Of course, Corrente readers read the Seattle PI story yesterday (here, and see of course the ever-essential Orcinus).
"Somewhat odd...." Yeah, there's a lot that's somewhat odd, alrgiht.,
Washington, D.C.: Do you think the issue of Bush's unclear military record is done?
[FROOMKIN]: No I don't. This somewhat odd story from the Sunday Spokane Spokesman-Review is getting some attention in the blogosphere, for instance. I may weigh in again in tomorrow's column
(via WaPO)
Of course, Corrente readers read the Seattle PI story yesterday (here, and see of course the ever-essential Orcinus).
"Somewhat odd...." Yeah, there's a lot that's somewhat odd, alrgiht.,