
Monday, March 29, 2004

Times reviewer on Against All Enemies: Two thumbs up! 

Welcome aboard, Bill. A little late, though.

Discounting the possibility that the White House spokesman, Scott McClellan, is secretly a publicist for the Free Press, one must assume that the Bush administration really is angry at its former counterterrorism czar, and isn't simply trying to help him sell more books. But if President Bush and his advisers were hoping that their loud pre-emptive attacks on ''Against All Enemies'' would make this book go away, they were sadly mistaken. Richard A. Clarke knows too much, and ''Against All Enemies'' is too good to be ignored.

The explosive details about President Bush's obsession with Iraq in the immediate aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks captured the headlines in the days after the book's release, but ''Against All Enemies'' offers more. It is a rarity among Washington-insider memoirs - it's a thumping good read.
And, finally, someone at the World's Greatest Newspaper got what the book is all about:

But the key allegation in the book - that the Bush team was obsessed with Iraq even when faced with overwhelming evidence that it was Al Qaeda that was attacking the United States - can't be dismissed by assertions that he was out of the loop. During those early days, Richard Clarke was the loop.

(via Times)

If you can't lick 'em, join 'em.

And still #1. I wonder why?

UPDATE The utterly essential Howler—does nobody at the Times read him?—has more: "This “press corps” just doesn’t read books. Books are hard, and they take too long. " Hey, I read it! And nobody paid me to do it! Can I have their job?

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