
Friday, March 19, 2004

So a drunk is looking under the streetlight for his keys, and the bartender asks him: 

"Why are you looking under the streetlight? You lost your keys in the bar!"

"It's too dark to look for them back in the bar!"

And so Rummy—I'm not making this up!—wants to attack Iraq, and why? Because there aren't any good targets in Afghanistan. Even though AQ was in Afghanistan....

Richard Clarke, the president's counterterrorism coordinator at the time of the attacks, said Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld complained on Sept. 12 - after the administration was convinced with certainty that al-Qaida was to blame - that, "there aren't any good targets in Afghanistan and there are lots of good targets in Iraq."

"I think they wanted to believe that there was a connection" between Iraq and the al-Qaida attacks in the United States, Clarke said in an interview segment CBS broadcast Friday evening. "There's just no connection. There's absolutely no evidence that Iraq was supporting al-Qaida."

Clarke retired early in 2003 after 30 years in government service. He was among the country's longest-serving White House staffers, hired in 1992 from the State Department to deal with threats from terrorism and narcotics.

He previously led the government's secretive Counterterrorism and Security Group, made up of senior officials from the FBI, CIA, Justice Department and armed services, who met several times each week to discuss foreign threats.
(via AP)

I'd laugh except it hurts too much....

Funny thing: The story of Rummy's felony (back here) seems to have dropped off the radar screen. Wish someone would ask him about it ...

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