
Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Slamming the oven door on the Texas soufflĂ© 

Man, the RNC is really in "one-a-day" mode, aren't they? Today it's Kerry's supposed wealth. Yesterday it some moldy quote on Arafat. The day before it was some ultra-moldy vote on a budget bill. And it's "flip-flop" all the time.

Those blast-faxers at the RNC must have asbestos gearing....

And gosh, it seems like the SCLM wowsers just repeat all this stuff!

Kerry needs to knock these spitballs down, of course. But point-by-point refutation won't do it—the Bushogarchy has a lot more money to generate this stuff, and they have so many MWs on the payroll it's not possible to count them all.

So. Against smear, the meta-smear. If Kerry can establish that these people will say and do anything to get and keep power then it really doesn't matter what the individual smear is ("there they go again").

And of course, the meta-smear has the advantage of being, well, true. I mean, isn't a really good working definition of "do anything to get and keep power" stealing an election and lying to get into a war? It should be child's play to give this meme some traction.

NOTE I believe I owe this headline to alert reader pansypoo.

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