
Sunday, March 28, 2004

She's b-a-a-a-c-k! 

Looks like Babs and Waura got their way. KaWen Hughes is back. Then again, it looks like she never went away:

To the surprise of those who predicted that Ms. Hughes's influence would wane in proportion to her distance from the Oval Office — and that Mr. Rove would grow all the more powerful — the reality is that she is returning more powerful than ever. Despite giving up her official capacity as counselor to the president, Ms. Hughes continued to advise Mr. Bush from Austin. They talk several times a week, and the president regularly asks in meetings, the Bush adviser said, "Has anybody asked Karen about this?"

Good—maybe she won't be able to improve things.

Incidentally, she's coming out with a book and going on a book tour next week. It will be interesting to see how the Times covers (back here) that book.

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