
Saturday, March 20, 2004

Right Wingers placing Manchurian Candidates in the Media 

Atrios has been talking about the bizarre case of Jack Kelley at USA Today. This guy, an evangelical Christian who is also a reporter, has just been busted for doing things that would make Jayson Blair blush. Yet we're not hearing "Kelley 24-7" like we did about Blair, are we?

Now Atrios has pointed us to the World Journalism Institute that Kelley was a part of. This is really quite scary folks. This is essentially an organization that has dedicated itself to infiltrating the media with their evangelical Christian moles so that the media will engage in, get this, "presuppositional reporting."

Now, admittedly, not too many of the "faculty" (and boy do I use that term loosely) are particularly well-connected (Atrios has already blogged about the few that are). And their students, thank goodness, are apparently only being hired by the Roosterpoot Daily Conservative and the Hooterville Patriot as interns and stringers but this is all quite frightening. How long before these students start percolating up to jobs at real newspapers, folks?

What do these kiddos believe? Well check out the alumni blog if you want to find out. There's currently a screed against gay marriage at the top of it complete with this paranoid and delusional closing statement:

What will be left of society, when the gays are done transforming it?
And you've got to get a load of this entry that includes this illiterate gem at the end of it:

I wonder, though. Do we need a new system for decided which views to print, and which not to print, as there are always much more opinions on any topic than a reporter can possibly fit in a story.
Why do I suspect she wants to leave out that pesky liberal's opinion?

This is yet another example (I suspect) of a Mellon-Scaife funded attempt to stealthily put right wing moles in important places.

If only someone in the media would actually report on any of this!

I'm not holding my breath.

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