
Saturday, March 20, 2004

Republican's don't think twice about breaking the law—but the media never plays up that part of the story 

We all knew that winger "rule of law" stuff was just projection during their attempted coup against Clinton, and now that the wingers are ruling the country, we really know it. There's this constant drip drip drip of little stories. ....

1. The SCLM played up the "souvenir" angle of Rummy's looted relic from 9/11, and even though that was nasty enough, the real story is that Rummy broke the law (back here).

2. The SCLM plays up the "firing" angle on Bush political appointee and big pharma lobbyist Thomas Scully threatening to fire Medicare actuary Richard Foster if he revealed the true costs of the program to Congress—when Congress wrote the law setting up the actuary to get just that information! Can it be legal to threaten to fire a civil servant for doing the job a statute mandates that he do? Readers?

3. The SCLM plays up the "imports" angle on the Burmese clothing that Bush is selling on his campaign site—but that's illegal, so Bush even breaks his own laws!

4. And of course we've got the theft of Democratic campaign files.

5. And of course we've got Plame.

6. And the criminal investigation of Ashcroft's campaign financing. (Even the FEC noticed!)

7. DéLay fundraising scheme before a grand jury.

8. Serial speeder Janklow's conviction for killing a man while speeding.

9. Rowland's impeachment for corruption.

10. And of course we've got the whole Bush AWOL thing (back here), which the lazy SCLM just let drop.

Drip, drip, drip... Yes, they will say and do anything. Including break the law whenever it suits them.

UPDATE Carpetbagger has more. I tried to limit this list to the outright criminal, not the merely scandalous, or that stuff that doesn't rise to the level of a blow job, like the intelligence and policy failures by Bush that led to 9/11.

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