
Saturday, March 13, 2004

Republican National Convention Planning 

A couple of interesting sites on planning for the upcoming Republican National Convention which by some amazing coincidence—some would call it Providential—will be held in Manhattan just in time for the 9/11 anniversary. (Better make sure everything's nailed down before letting Rummy on the site, though!)

Anyhow, here via Approximately perfect are a couple of sites for the RNC: RNC not welcome, and Counter Convention.

As far as attending the RNC or, well, sharing my feelings about the it:

I feel that dignity and humor are far more effective tools than street theatre or any form of acting out. (See Billionaires for Bush for how to do humor.)

For example, can anyone doubt that the remarkable turnaround in public opinion on gay marriage (back here) happened at least partly because of the dignity with which those seeking marriage comported themselves? Let's take that lesson to heart.

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