
Thursday, March 04, 2004

Pickle report lets Republicans heave staffers over the side for theft of Democratic files 

"[STAFFER:] Here's a secret Democratic file, Senator Hatch! I found it under a cabbage leaf."

"[SENATOR HATCH:] Keep up the good work, son!"

The [Pickle] report said 4,670 files were found on a GOP aide's computer, "the majority of which appeared to be from folders belonging to Democratic staff."

"I am mortified that this improper unethical, simply unacceptable breach of confidential files occurred," said Hatch, R-Utah. "There is no excuse that can justify these improper actions. I have to say that none of us would walk into another person's office and take papers from their desk - this is, in a sense, exactly that." (via AP)

Or voting papers from citizens, as in the Florida disenfranchisement of thousands of likely Democrats .... Oh, wait, that's entirely, entirely different...

A report released by the Judiciary Committee and authored by Senate Sergeant-at-Arms William Pickle's office faults two former GOP aides: Manuel Miranda, who worked for Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist and Judiciary Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch, before resigning, and Jason Lundell, a clerk who worked on nominations for Hatch before leaving last year.

n addition to the thousands of documents that Democrats say were breached, Hatch said more than 100 of his computer files were "improperly accessed and transmitted outside the Senate."

Democrats want to know if the White House or the Justice Department got copies of the memos and used them to coach Bush's nominees for confirmation hearings.

Well, that's just conspiracy theorizing. I can't imagine that anyone at the White House would want to know Democratic strategy on preventing the courts from being packed by wingers. Let's get serious!

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