
Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Patriot Patrol 

Tamara Baker at American Politics Journal visits the subject of an earlier Atrios (Order of the Gray Turtleneck and Perfect Martini ) blog-post.

The subject in each case being one Susan Sanford, anxious guardian of some remote belles-let'tres titled the Alabama Daily Mountain Eagle, -n- High Priestess for the sulfur and sin set; and other grand wizardries perched in the pines among the hooting klaxon horns of the Yellowhammer State.

Lady Sanford had the following to say with respect to, well you know, whatever little devilkin happened to scamper up her pious pantaloon at the time.

We now have activist judges, mayors, governors, etc., who go against the will of the great majority of citizens in this nation (forget that it is against the law in most of the nation!) and declare that it is the "right" of homosexual men and women to "marry."

Christians need to come up with some ammunition against this grievous sin, and soon. As it stands now, our heads are, as it were, spinning with all the degrading developments that have taken place in the past few weeks.

Where will we get this ammunition to fight against "spiritual wickedness in high places"? From the Word of God - the only place that, in the end, will matter. ~ Susan Sanford, Jasper, Alabama Daily Mountain Eagle, February 20, 2004/ jasper@mountaineagle.com.

So sayeth prophet Sanford, speaking on behalf of generous helpings of blessed ammo and the final bitter solution.

Dear Sue,

If I were to construct a God I would furnish Him with some way and qualities and characteristics which the Present lacks. He would not stoop to ask for any man's compliments, praises, flatteries; and He would be far above exacting them.

I would have Him as self-respecting as the better sort of man in these regards. He would not be a merchant, a trader. He would not buy these things. He would not sell, or offer to sell, temporary benefits of the joys of eternity for the product called worship. I would have Him as dignified as the better sort of man in this regard. He would value no love but the love born of kindnesses conferred; not that born of benevolences contracted for. Repentance in a man's heart for a wrong done would cancel and annul that sin; and no verbal prayers for forgiveness be required or desired or expected of that man.

In His Bible there would be no Unforgiveable Sin. He would recognize in Himself the Author and Inventor of Sin and Author and Inventor of the Vehicle and Appliances for its commission; and would place the whole responsibility where it would of right belong: upon Himself, the only Sinner.

He would not be a jealous God -- a trait so small that even men despise it in each other. He would not boast. He would keep private Hs admirations of Himself; He would regard self-praise as unbecoming the dignity of his position. He would not have the spirit of vengeance in His heart. Then it would not issue from His lips. There would not be any hell -- except the one we live in from the cradle to the grave. There would not be any heaven -- the kind described in the world's Bibles.

He would spend some of His eternities in trying to forgive Himself for making man unhappy when he could have made him happy with the same effort and he would spend the rest of them in studying astronomy." ~ Mark Twain, famous dead person.


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