
Sunday, March 07, 2004

Oppo on Kerry heating up 

Start with the Daily Telegraph, then round up the usual suspects.

Josh Marshall has more.

UPDATE Nice article by Conason in Salon (go on, get the day pass). Talk about the usual suspects and the usual methods: First the fake photo of Kerry, then a freeper site, then Tom "Don't call me French!" DéLay, then FBI evidence fabricator and Hillary loon Gary Aldrich, then former Romanian Secret Police Chief Ion Mihai Pacepa in the National Review (what a shame about that once proud magazine)...

You know, for about thirty seconds I took that Republican line about wanting to have a "policy discussion" or "national conversation" about 9/11, but it's going to be the same old, same old, isn't it? Anyone who challenges them is a traitor. Yawn. Of course, the American people, being "good strategists," are unlikely to fall for this.

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