
Saturday, March 06, 2004

Kerry: Hey, I'm starting to warm up to the guy 

Here's what he had to say about Bush using the bodies of the 9/11 dead in a campaign ad:

Speaking to a crowd of 2,000 at a campaign rally in New Orleans, Senator John F. Kerry whipped the audience into a frenzy of booing as the presumptive Democratic nominee denounced Bush for using images of the Sept. 11 attacks in his new reelection ads.

"George Bush wants this whole deal just to be about war," Kerry said. "His first advertisements had pictures of ground zero."

The Massachusetts senator added: "You're all good strategists down here; you understand why he's doing that. He can't come out there and talk about jobs. He can't come out here and talk to you about protecting the environment."

(via the Boston Glob)

I like that "good strategists" line—it isn't talking down to people, or making them afraid. It's taking the lid off and showing them the (ugly, ugly) workings of the guys in power right now.

Best of all, it might work. The American people really aren't dumb; it's just that they have lives. During the Clinton Impeachment phase of the Bushogarchy's coup, Clinton's poll numbers were never higher. The American people understood exactly what was going on. In that case, too, we were "good strategists."

If this perception of how Bush operates takes hold, Bush is toast, since everything he does will be discounted—and rightly so.

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