
Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Just-in-Time smearing: Winger attack machine starts in on Kerry on day one 

I wish the wingers would consider these immortal words: "I don't mind where people make love, so long as they don't
do it in the street and frighten the horses."

Kerry dated Gilbey, a British gin heiress, in the late 1980s before she dumped him for Pink Floyd guitarist David Gilmour. This was prior to Kerry marrying ketchup heiress Teresa Heinz and Gilbey getting hitched to Keller. But the dishier details of the Gilbey-Kerry fling are just now leaking out.

In the new issue of the American Conservative, co-editor Taki Theodoracopulos, another former flame of Gilbey's, imparts a naughty new morsel about the Gilbey/Kerry romance:

"People do tend to tell each other secrets, and one of her's was that she was involved with JFK Mark II [Kerry], the man who is now running for president," Taki writes. "More details followed, and then it was time for a White House correspondents' dinner.

"I had had much too much to drink . . . and when John Kerry lumbered by I heard myself yelling, 'Senator, do you like to have sex in limousines?' Well, he didn't look best pleased, but then he's a politician and knows how to roll with the punches. He also knew that I knew and left it well enough alone." (via the New York Post's Page Six)

Of course, there's no truth to the rumor that Bush likes goats in the same very special way that Santorum likes dogs, but if he did, what conceivable relevance would that have to his performance as President?

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