
Wednesday, March 24, 2004

If you're watching Clarke's testimony... 

you know why W and the boys are, er, omorashi and launching these shrill and insanely uncoordinated attacks on Clarke's character.

You get the idea that Clarke has forgotten more about counterterrorism than anyone on Bush's national security team knows at present.

This is devastating stuff folks.

UPDATE I'm with Hesiod. There's a simple way to figure out who's telling the truth. George Tenet admitted today there are minutes of the CSG meetings. I think it's time to press the White House to release the minutes of the 2001 CSG meetings.

On another Clarke testimony-related topic, did you see his hard hit back of Thompson's question about the transcript of the background briefing?

Not surprisingly, W's sycophants at Fox are the only ones who have released these transcripts. Josh Marshall has a good post on this little episode here.

If this is the best the White House can do, they're in big trouble.

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