
Wednesday, March 24, 2004

I want my / I want my / I want my PDBs 

What Tom said (back) about getting the President's Daily Briefings. You know, the ones Bush only wants to give the commission in summarized form? (Which Kean rolled over for). You know, the ones that might show that AQ chatter wasn't idle, and we really did have intelligence that might use airplanes as weapons? Just like the AWOL issue: It's easy to settle the question; show us the money!

And what Tom said (back) on the CSGs too—the actual minutes that Clarke summarizes in his book. Just like AWOL and the PDBs: show us the money!

Heck, I own a piece of the PDBs and the CSGs—I'm a citizen, and (to misquote a famous President) "I paid for those PDBs!" So why shouldn't I see what's mine?

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