Wednesday, March 24, 2004
FUX screws the pooch
Finally, finally, FINALLY someone is calling Fox "News" for what they are.
Great to see the SCLM and the Bush Administration all over Fox for publishing a backgrounder. Oh, wait ...
KERREY: And let me also say this document of Fox News earlier, this transcript that they had, this is a background briefing. And all of us that have provided background briefings for the press before should beware. I mean, Fox should say occasionally fair and balanced after putting something like this out.
KERREY:(LAUGHTER) Because they violated a serious trust.
KERREY:(APPLAUSE) All of us that come into this kind of an environment and provide background briefings for the press I think will always have this as a reminder that sometimes it isn't going to happen, that it's background. Sometimes, if it suits their interest, they're going to go back, pull the tape, convert it into transcript and send it out in the public arena and try to embarrass us or discredit us. So I object to what they've done, and I think it's an unfortunate thing they did.
(transscript via the Times)
Great to see the SCLM and the Bush Administration all over Fox for publishing a backgrounder. Oh, wait ...