
Wednesday, March 24, 2004


Of course, we'll never really know, will we? Because she won't testify, under oath, in public (not just "visit").

GORELICK: You have talked about a plan that you presented to Dr. Rice immediately upon her becoming national security adviser, and ... you said elements of that plan, which were developed by you and your staff at the end of 2000 -- many elements -- became part of what was then called NSPD-9, or what ultimately became NSPD-9. When Dr. Rice writes in the Washington Post, No Al Qaida plan was turned over to the new administration, is that true?

I think what is true is what your staff found by going through the documents and what your staff briefing says, which is that early in the administration, within days of the Bush administration coming into office, that we gave them two documents. In fact, I briefed Dr. Rice on this even before they came into office.
(the transcript Times)

Of course, this all presumes that Condi would recognize a plan if it was handed to her.

UPDATE Poor Condi. They're laughing at her!

BEN-VENISTE: I just wanted to say that having sat in on two days of debriefings with you, Mr. Clarke, and having seen excerpts from your book, other than questions you weren't asked, I have not perceived any substantive differences between what you have said to us and what has been quoted from your published work. Having said that, I'll cede my time to Congressman Roemer, if he'll give me his time with Condoleezza Rice. (LAUGHTER)

CLARKE: That may not be a good deal. (LAUGHTER)
(the transcript via the Times)

When they started laughing at Ari during the 16 words fiasco, you could feel the world turning under your feet. Same here. Everything is starting to change.

Incidentally, Condi is either being hung out to dry on this one, or hanging herself out to dry. In Washington, if you aren't at the meeting, you get screwed. And she is so very, very not at this meeting. That's really what these insiders are laughing about. I won't mention the words "duck pit" but feel free to think them...

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