
Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Clarke asks: Who let the dogs out? 

The Salon interview with Joe Conason here:

Vice President Cheney told Rush Limbaugh that you were not "in the loop," and that you're angry because you were passed over by Condi Rice for greater authority. And in fact you were dropped from Cabinet-level position to something less than that. How do you respond to what the Vice President said?

The vice president is becoming an attack dog, on a personal level, which should be beneath him but evidently is not.
(via Salon)

[rim shot. Laughter. Applause].

Go on, Richard! Don't hold back. Say what you feel! More:

Dr. Rice now says that your plans to "roll back" al-Qaida were not aggressive enough for the Bush administration. How do you answer that, in light of what we know about what they did and didn't do?

I just think it's funny that they can engage in this sort of "big lie" approach to things. The plan that they adopted after Sept. 11 was the plan that I had proposed in January [2001}. If my plan wasn't aggressive enough, I suppose theirs wasn't either.

On practitioners of "big lie" techniques, see the essential Orcinus, here. Read the whole thing..

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