
Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Cheney's flip flop on the Hate Amendment 


During the 2000 campaign, Cheney said the issue of same-sex marriage should be handled by the states ("I don't think there should necessarily be a federal policy in this area"). Cheney's daughter Mary, who works for the campaign, is a lesbian, as has been widely noted by those upset with Bush's call for a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage.

CNN just sent out a transcript of the pre-taped interview, and Blitzer asked the veep if he still believes what he said in 2000 about marriage being up to the states.

"Cheney: The president's made a decision, partly because of what's happened in Massachusetts and San Francisco, that the administration will support a constitutional amendment -- and uh, that's his decision to make.

"Blitzer: And you support it?

"Cheney: I support the president.

"Blitzer: I don't hear you say you believe there should be a constitutional. . . .

"Cheney: I support the president. Wolf, my deal with the president is that I get to advise him on the issues of the day. I never discuss the advice I provide him with anybody else. That's always private. He makes the decisions. He sets policy for the administration. And uh, I support him and the administration."

Moral clarity, yeah, that's the ticket, moral clarity ...

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