
Thursday, March 25, 2004

Bush makes jokes about not finding WMDs. Pretty funny, right? 

Especially funny to the families of the soldiers who died thinking this was why their children were sent to war.

The president rubbed elbows Wednesday night with 1,500 guests at the 60th annual dinner of the Radio and Television Correspondents' Association.

Bush's speech featured a slide show which he called the "White House Election-Year Album." One photo showed the president looking under furniture. He captioned it: "Those weapons of mass destruction have got to be somewhere."
(Channel 5 in Champlain via Buzzflash.

Ha ha.

That George Bush—what a kidder!

And Bush feels—rightly—that can get away with this disgusting behavior in front of 1,500 members of the press. That's the sickest part of the joke.

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