
Tuesday, March 16, 2004

And in other manufactured news... 

"Kerry's Goring Begins."

Nice post from Pandagon. And Angry Bear has interesting polling data which would show why any legitimately elected leader would think twice before working with Bush.

And man, this whole "name the leaders" flap is so ridiculous, so crass, so absurd, so densely impacted with major league, heavy duty, weapons grade boneheadedness that I wasn't cynical enough to believe that the Thugs and their whores would pick it up and run with it.

And yet they have. "Is that the best you can do?" I would have said. To which they would have responded: "Yes. And?"


There's an old Serbian saying: "A fool throws a stone into the sea, and a thousand wise men can never find it."

So much for the edifying spectacle of the 2004 election. Thanks, Babs. Thanks, Waura. Thanks, Acting President Rove.

Then again, there's an old Clintonian saying, in much the same situation, facing the same cast of characters: "We'll just have to win, then."

I like that saying.

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