
Friday, March 19, 2004

And in other manufactured news 

Is anybody besides me thinking that this big operation in Pakistan seems, well, just a little bit staged?

And that a slightly skeptical press is giving the story big play, but keeps putting qualifiers like "reported" in the headlines?

Looks to me like Musharraf is giving Bush the ol' quid treatment for Bush giving him a big pro quo: A free pass on Pakistan's $100 million nuclear proliferation effort.

Sort of a community theatre concept in Pakistan's tribal areas... Anticipate a lot of Pakistani theatre between now and the election (assuming there is an election, back here).

UPDATE Coincidence? You be the judge:

CBS News's John Roberts was right in the middle of an interview with national security adviser Condoleezza Rice when she first got the news of the possible surrounding of Osama bin Laden's chief deputy, Ayman Zawahiri.
(via WaPo)

Case closed.

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