
Tuesday, February 10, 2004

WhiteWashHouse to release some Bush military records 


The White House, facing election-year questions about President Bush's military service, is releasing pay records and other information intended to support his assertion that he fulfilled his duty as a member of the Air National Guard during the Vietnam war.

The material, to be released Tuesday, was to include pay records and annual retirement point summaries to show that Bush served.

"These records clearly document that the president fulfilled his duty," White House press secretary Scott McClellan said.

No, they don't.

Read Cohen's column right below this post: "I even got paid for all the meetings I missed." So did Bush. Where was Cohen? Not fulfilling his obligation. Where was Bush? In the same place.

And again, why was Bush transferred to a disciplinary unit? Even if he did serve, that's a second layer of unanswered questions. Yes, it does all come down to character, doesn't it? Lying, evasion....

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