
Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Surprise! Capturing Saddam turned out to be YABS—Yet Another Bush Stunt 

Turns out casualty rates afterwards are... worse. From the LA Times:

Nearly two months after the capture of Saddam Hussein, the casualty rate among U.S. soldiers and Iraqis in insurgent attacks has accelerated, and much of this nation's Sunni Muslim heartland remains a perilous zone of conflict — with bouts of violence also striking the Kurdish north and the Shiite south.

Gosh! Which presidential candidate bucked the CW by saying that Saddam's capture didn't make us safer, and was promptly trashed by the SCLM and all the millionaire pundits?

Who could it have been? Let me see now.... Starts with ...

It's really too bad, isn't it, that a penchant for telling the truth isn't seen as a necessary part of the presidential temperament. Says a lot about the level our politics have sunk to, doesn't it?



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