
Saturday, February 21, 2004

Republican blogger - or operative for Acting President Rove? [update 2] 

We report (original); you decide.

After all, just because former PR executive Rex Hammock, one of whose institutional clients is a "conduit of advocacy" for the Republican party (a client that just happens to have Acting President Karl Rove as member), goes to Washington, just happens to meet with Bush, and blogs a glowing report that "confirms" Bush was not "scripted", while including the key words from the slogan Bush is going to campaign under in his post, all from the back of a cab, while somehow also managing to include five paragraphs of White House transcript ...

Well, that's no reason to put our tinfoil hats on, is it? No reason to predict the imminent AstroTurfing of the blogosphere, right?


Now, to be fair, Hammock says he's not an operative, though if "this keeps up" he might become one... Which would, I guess, be a really effective next step in a PR campaign... I can almost write the press release myself... "Evil liberals forced me into politics..." But no, a small businessman with a $10 million success on his hands would never allow himself to be distracted like that! Phew!

Anyhow, the Republican blogger (not operative?) has made it from WaPo, to the front page of the Nashville Tennessean (back), and now FUX. And the WhiteWash House closes the circle. Coverage a good PR executive would he happy to achieve. Eh?

Puts me in mind of that old Rutles song, "Spontaneous" (here):

You're so spontaneous
Please don't ever change
You're so "if I ruled the world"
And "home on the range"
You're so spontaneous
In each and every way
So spontaneous
What more can I say?

For this is the moment
The moment is now
The moment is you
Come on, take your bow!
You're so spontaneous
It's wunderbar
That's what you are!

TROLL PROPHYLACTIC: Of course, it may all be truly spontaneous!

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