
Monday, February 02, 2004

Monday Mourning Chestnut 

The Chestnut just arrived at my place, and I haven't had a chance to read it all myself, and amplify any important details, but most of you are aware of the tragic circumstances of last night's viscious sports lie. Anyway, so, I suggest you check in with the National Review Online or NewsMax or your local chapter of the League of the South for further updates and commentary and insight into the consequences of last evenings trajedy. I'm too upset and worn out from a Sunday post game bar brawl with a group of Cambridge lesbians and can comment no further. Aside from reminding all of you that the legacy of the word "Patriot" has been severely damaged and the reputation of the wild romantic Panther has been reduced to some kind of tamed domesticated pussy status. God help us all.

And who the hell is Nell Fenwick anyway?


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