
Monday, February 16, 2004

Let's hack Bush's campaign slogan [update] 

Inspired by alert reader Jeffrey Kramer, I went to an anagram server and got the anagrams for the Republican's (doubtless heavily focus-grouped) slogan for aWol's 2004 campaign: "Steady Leadership in a Time of Change."

Here are some of the better anagrams:

  1. I'm a hypertense, death-dealing fiasco

  2. I am a deathless deafening hypocrite

  3. I am a tone-deaf, highly-paid erectness

  4. I'm the fanatic, grandiose sleepyhead

  5. Oafishly indecent pig's ear meathead

  6. Slimy, cheapish deafening toadeater

  7. Oedipean cheating defames trashily

  8. Flag hype, eh? Administration decease (Jeffrey Kramer)

  9. I feel anger! I say, shitcan the mad dope (KT)
  10. The famed ace is lying, Oedipean trash (Beth)

My preference is for #1, though #1-#3 are all strong candidates.

Readers, vote for your choice!

(Or suggest even better ones)

UPDATE It looks to me like readers (so far) feel that #1 is indeed #1. I like it for a number of reasons. First, it's true. Bush is, indeed, "hypertense": he grinds his teeth (back). And "fiasco" connects subliminally to the well-known Google bomb "miserable failure." The remainder of the top four do give us individual characteristics of Scrub—hypocrisy, codpiece-enabled erectness, and a tendency to sleep—so we can spread them around the blogosphere as well. But let's be nice about it: I don't care if Bush is erected, as long as he isn't elected ...

And I've already found #5-#7 useful as "troll-be-gone": There's a certain satisfaction in calling a real tendentious winger a "slimy, cheapish deafening toadeater," knowing all the while that such terms come, albeit indirectly, from the mouth of Dear Leader....

UPDATE Readers, let's strike a blow for meme hygiene and innoculate the body politic against the Republican's slogan before it starts to spread. Please feel free to link to this post from your own blogs. Right now, it's in the top 100 of the most contagious memes in the blogosphere—excellent!

UPDATE We have two new contenders. Entering at #9: "I feel anger! I say, shitcan the mad dope." And at #10: "The famed ace is lying, Oedipean trash."

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