
Thursday, February 05, 2004

Let's AWOL! 

Salon's Eric Bohlert partially redeems yesterday's hack job by Chris Farah with the definitive summary of Bush's AWOL problem.

Two reasons to think the Dems have Shrub in the crosshairs of their HUD:

  • Their uncharacteristically aggressive posture. They've had four years to test the scandal for weakness. You can bet they wouldn't be putting this one over the plate if there was a chance in hell that BushCo could hit it out of the park.
  • The unmistakable whiff of fear emanating from the White House. Unless they are playing Brer Rabbit with the Dems, they aren't promising not to attack Kerry's patriotism out of a heretofore undetectable sense of human decency.

Take no prisoners, guys.

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