
Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Latest on the Reichstag fire 

Curiously, none of the stories say who actually made the discovery of the mysterious white powder (Times, entirely in passive voice; ditto AP). WaPo:

Mihalko said the source of the powder, whether it was a letter or a package or neither, has not been firmly established. He said that an intern in [Senator Bill "Hello Kitty"] Frist's office was using a mail opening machine that slices letters open. He left the mail opening area for about three hours yesterday to attend a class, Mihalko said, and when he returned discovered a powdery substance in the area near the machine.

Interesting. Weird. Um, entirely plausible?

Meanwhile, while Fort Detrick is still doing the tests, and false positives are common, Senator Bill "Hello Kitty" Frist himself was already certain of the test results. Um, how could he be so sure?

Oh, and I'm sure you'll want to buy Frist's book! It's all about bioterrorism! What a surprise!

UPDATE: Then again, Josh Marshall, who isn't nearly as bitter and cynical as I am, refers to a ricin incident in early January in Greensville, NC; the ever excellent Orcinus connects this incident to the possibility of domestic terrorism, where ricin has been used. So if it's not Frist, it's one of the wingers his party is in bed with. My money's still on The Good Doctor himself, though: means, motive, opportunity. Plus, we get to shut down the Senate for four days and hold up all those pesky investigations....

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