
Sunday, February 15, 2004

Inside the marketing campaign for The Passion 

John Dominic Crossan of our own Inky reports:

Asked about his teaching, Jesus responded, according to John 18:20-21, "I have spoken openly to the world; I have always taught in synagogues and in the temple, where all the Jews come together. I have said nothing in secret. Why do you ask me? Ask those who heard what I said to them; they know what I said." I have therefore tried, as a scholar who is also a Christian, to be equally open and transparent and to accept both support and criticism, especially and above all else when speaking of Jesus himself.

That's what Jesus said. Here's what Gibson did:

On Jan. 21, I registered for the full three-day "Beyond All Limits" conference of the Global Pastors Network at Calvary Assembly in Orlando, Fla. .... I also expected to sign a statement of confidentiality. ... On one hand, it enjoined me "to hold confidential my exposure, knowledge and opinions of the film." On the other hand, it affirmed that "pastors and church leaders are free to speak out in support of the movie and your opinions resulting from today's experience and exposure to this project and its producer."

As so often with our SICs, zeal causes them to lose sight of the words of the one they claim to worship and obey.

I understand that legalese to mean that negative opinions are forbidden but positive ones are solicited. It is one thing to say that nobody can give any information about the movie or even express any opinion about it; but to allow support while denying criticism is something between cover-up and censorship.

I signed that statement of confidentiality in order to see the movie, and thus I can only speak about that document and not about the film itself.

Sounds like Gibson is only comfortable with MWs, doesn't it? He just wants a sure thing. I expect we will hear about a private White House screening of Gibson's film any day now, gack ....

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