
Thursday, February 12, 2004


Izvestia on the Hudson gets letters:

To the Editor:

Re "The Home Team," by Thomas L. Friedman (column, Feb. 8):

Thank you, Mr. Friedman, for acknowledging the burden shouldered by our honorable men and women in uniform. As the daughter of a brave military man who served two tours in Vietnam, I have learned to be skeptical of wars justified by a theory espoused by men who have never seen or smelled or felt the terror of war.

Usually, behind the theory, there is the starker reality of geopolitics. In the case of Iraq, the Bush administration decided that it had the opportunity to secure, for current and future generations, the oil supply of the Middle East, use the threat of weapons of mass destruction as a ruse and throw in the democratization of Iraq to make it all seem noble.

Can we please stop pretending and have an open and honest discussion of what is really going on?

Kerrville, Tex., Feb. 8, 2004

Interesting that the convergence of the Iraqi war, the "war on terra", and energy policy seems to have happened in Cheney's energy task force (back)—and that "Fat Tony" Scalia may cast the tie-breaking vote on whether to reveal the papers or not. And that Scalia refused to recuse himself, after his infamous duck hunting trip with Cheney (back).

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