
Thursday, February 05, 2004

In other news, the Reichstag fire investigation continues 

WaPo quotes Bill "Hello Kitty" Frist:

"This did come through the mail," Frist said, adding that the powder was discovered in the cutting tray of the letter-opening machine in his office mailroom. "I regard this as a terrorist attack on my life."

Right. And I regard it is a stunt to sell Frist's bioterrorism book.

Curiously, though, the powder was found next to the mail machine, and while the intern running the mail machine was gone. So who, if anyone, opened the envelope, if any, that got the powder on the machine? Nobody is saying....

Say, how's that anthrax investigation coming? You know, the one that threatened Democrat's lives?

And, oh yeah, we don't even know if the powder was toxic yet:

The officials said a third test, to examine the toxicity of the ricin in relation to human cells, will not be completed for two more days. This test is expected to determine whether the ricin in the powder could be toxic to humans.


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