
Thursday, February 26, 2004

Everything Old Is New Again 

Check out this terrific post at Echidne Of The Snakes which gives us the lowdown, and we do mean lowdown, on yet another female writer, Caitlin Flanagan, whose anti-feminist stance is bringing her fame and fortune.

She's the newest staff writer of the venerable New Yorker, one of such literary talents that her fuzzy thinking and careless ways with evidence are quite forgiven by the East Coast Literary Establishment. What would they not forgive for a brilliant writer who is a woman (a definite boost for the affirmative action lefties) and a feminist-basher (an equal bonus for the life-is-a-jungle-and-home-its-refuge righties)? Now the intelligentsia can have their very own Dr. Laura, a woman who tells how it is, puts the blame squarely where it belongs, and suffers no emotional nonsense. Flanagan sees her role at the New Yorker as the insightful critic of the modern family life, a sort of hybrid of Mary McCarthy and Erma Bombeck.

Echidne's flaying of Ms. Flanagan's ouevre is as smart and well-deserved a drubbing as I've seen anywhere. If you've ever found yourself wondering why Nick Kristof is so comfortable denigrating "feminists," this post will go a long way to explaining how things are in what is supposed to be a liberal mainstream and no longer is.

There are links to Ms. Flanagan's work in the post, but the mention of Caitlin as a better written Dr. Laura makes linking to this reivew by Flanagan of one of Dr. Laura's own books irresistible.

COMMENT by lambert: The odd thing is, that if you read Flanagan's summary of Dr. Laura's views, it seems that Dr. Laura would buy into the notion that a real Defense of Marriage Amendment would outlaw or at least deeply discourage divorce. Extremes meet, don't they? Of course, I don't say that Dr. Laura takes this view, but logic would seem to impel her to do so. Who knows? If such an amendment had been in place, Gingrich would never have made it to power!

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