
Sunday, February 15, 2004

Democratic strategy for 2004 

Excellent post by Trapper John at Daily Kos:

Instead of just shouting "AWOL! AWOL!," we need to begin tying the micro issue of Bush's military misadventures into a larger theme about privilege and, yes, "Two Americas." We need to make the AWOL issue part of a seamless metanarrative about the fundamentally elitist vision of the GOP. If we don't, we risk having to hop from sexy issue to sexy issue, riding each until they flame out -- or backfire, leaving us looking like purveyors of dirty politics. Indeed, the AWOL issue may be reaching its end, and an insistance on talking about it, in the absence of a larger reason to do so, may well end up hurting the Dems. But if we tie it into a broad theme of GOP elitism -- along with tax cuts for the rich, the war on working people (overtime, OSHA standards, etc.), and the continuing quagmire in Iraq -- we'll be able to keep AWOL alive, and keep it in the minds of Americans well past the point where it would have faded into memory had it been treated as a campaign scandal-of-the-month.

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