
Tuesday, February 10, 2004

David "I'm writing as bad as I can" Brooks channels aWol 

Here is how "Burbling" Brooks would have Bush explain himself (since on MTP Bush did that so very, very badly):

[BROOKS's VERSION OF BUSH]: I said I have found my mission and my moment, and it has cost me. It has cost me some of the bonds I had with average Americans. The secret of my political success was that voters sensed I was basically like them. But this mission, while elevating, is also a cocoon. I see Americans going about their business, watching the Super Bowl and reacting to it all. But I couldn't watch most of the Super Bowl and I didn't have a reaction to the whole halftime fiasco because I had to go to bed and be ready for the continuing war the next day. They say there is a cultural divide between the military and society. There is, and suddenly I am on the other side.

All together now: Awwww!

Funny thing, though:

It was Bush himself who told the American people not to worry about the unWar and to "go shopping." It is Bush himself who has created the divide between the military and the American citizen by never demanding any of the sacrifices that a wartime situation would, in a normal universe, demand.

And now Brooks is enabling Bush by presenting Bush as a martyr to a Bush himself created! Pathetic.

UPDATE Alert reader Yosef points out:

Why didn't he get to see the SuperBowl? I mean, Jim Nantz did speak with him on air immediately before the game started. I think it was around 6 pm. After Bush they had the pre-game music, then kick-off.

That's right, Bush was actually on the CBS broadcast for the Superbowl.

Well, if you parse his words carefully, Brooks does say "most of" the Superbowl, so I guess aWol got right into his jammies after finishing up with Jim Nantz.

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