
Thursday, February 05, 2004

Criminal activity in Plame Affair 

Normally, I'd never quote Moonie-owned Insight magazine, but Richard Sale reports:

Federal law-enforcement officials said that they have developed hard evidence of possible criminal misconduct by two employees of Vice President Dick Cheney's office related to the unlawful exposure of a CIA officer's identity last year. The investigation, which is continuing, could lead to indictments, a Justice Department official said.

According to these sources, John Hannah and Cheney's chief of staff, Lewis "Scooter" Libby, were the two Cheney employees. "We believe that Hannah was the major player in this," one federal law-enforcement officer said. Calls to the vice president's office were not returned, nor did Hannah and Libby return calls.

For "major player," of course, read "fall guy."

Funny thing. In a lot of ways, this is just like the controversy over Bush's "missing year" in the National Guard. If Bush wants to make that issue go away, all he has to do is release his military records. For some reason (I wonder what?) he doesn't do that.

Same deal with Plame. If Bish wants to make this issue go away, all he has to do is release the press from its confidentiality agreement with the criminal in the White House who leaked the name of an intellgence agent to the press. For some reason (I wonder what?) he doesn't do that.

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