
Thursday, February 19, 2004

Could it be (gasp) that the June 30 deadline for the turnover to Iraqis is driven by Bush's re-election needs? 

The Iraqis seem to think so. From Noah Feldman, a law professor at New York University, who has advised the Iraqi Governing Council on writing its constitution:

"It's not as if the Iraqis don't have television," Mr. Feldman added. "Everybody in Iraq believes that these deadlines are chosen by American electoral politics. Regardless of whether the June 30 deadline originated in Baghdad or Washington, it clearly reflected a coordinated administration policy to jump-start the process. That's an extremely high risk strategy."

"This is entirely a schedule dictated by Karl Rove," said an Arab diplomat who maintains close contacts with the administration, referring to the White House's political director. "Anyone who thinks otherwise is naïve."

Administration officials say that Mr. Brahimi was told that one option he must not accept is postponement of the June 30 date for the transfer of power.

"It is holy writ," said an administration official.

Right. Bush's re-election = "holy writ." Well, with these people, it does.... Gack.

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