
Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Bush the deserter: the paper trail 

Josh Marshall links to this excellent description of the paper trail a National Guardsman leaves. The bottom line:

So if I were a reporter sitting in the White House press room, asking questions of Scott McClellan, I'd start asking about [Bush's] pay records, retirement records, and tax records from 1972. Even if the attendance records are gone -- there are still plenty of ways to document the President's service. It's entirely possible that these records exist, and that they will document the President's honorable service in the National Guard. But only the records can show that conclusively.

Of course, all Bush has to do to make this problem go away is release his records, like Gore, McCain and Kerry have.

Anyhow, reporters! Here's the story. Will you go after it, or all you all whores?

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